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We believe that spiritual formation happens best within the context of meaningful relationships - the kind of relationships where we can share each others’ burdens, celebrate with one another, and recognize together where God is at work.

Are you looking for that kind of connection? For a place where you can truly know and be known by others? For a space where healing and growth are nurtured in the context of safe and loving friendship?
If your answer is yes, then we invite you to try a CrossView Group. You are welcome here.

Scroll through the listings below to find the group that works best for you.

Tuesday | Evening | Everett

Open to all adults, this Life Group focuses on encouraging each other to live out the biblical teaching heard each week in CrossView’s sermon series.

Every other Tuesday at 6:30PM
Led by Jim and Catherine Becker

Wednesday | Midday | Snohomish

All women are welcome at the Souper Sisters Life Group! We’ll enjoy a soup lunch, share how we’ve seen God in our lives, memorize a Bible verse together, and pray for each other. This is a drop-in group - come as you are able!

Wednesdays at 12:00PM
Led by Theresa Tremain

Young Families Group Starting!

Want to connect with others of a similar age or stage of life? We’re working to connect young families at CrossView in a group that fits the realities of naps, sports, school, and work. Join the conversation and be part of shaping a vibrant community.

Schedule TBD by participants.

Sunday | Morning | CrossView

Open to all adults, this Learning Group meets before the Sunday service to dive into Scripture together. The current focus is the Gospel of Matthew.

Sundays at 8:45AM
Led by Traci Bianchini

Tuesday | Evening | CrossView

Open to men of all ages, this group will be studying the book of Acts.

Tuesdays at 6:30PM
Led by John Mitchell & Rick Jewett

Tuesday | Evening | CrossView

Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy by Beth Moore is a twelve week, in-depth study of the Old Testament book of Daniel. All women are welcome! Begins April 9th.

Tuesdays at 6:30PM
Led by Becky Shipman

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Thursday | Evening | Online

This online group meets weekly to pray for our loved ones, community, and world. Whether you choose to pray out loud, pray silently, or just listen, you are welcome to join us.

Thursdays at 7:00PM
Led by Pastors Scott and Nikki Rossiter

When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith...I also want to be encouraged by yours.
— Romans 1:12